All of us need it. Most of us reject it.
In fact, for many of my overachieving, perfectionist friends out there (also speaking from experience myself here), “rest” is just another dirty, 4-letter word! A word that shouldn’t dare be muttered from our lips!
(Yes, Enneagram 3 friends… I am looking at you!)
The internal dialogue goes something like this:
If I rest, I will fall behind. If I rest, I won’t be relevant anymore. If I rest, I will be seen as weak.
So clearly if I connect the dots there, ‘to rest’ is the antithesis of ‘to achieve’….(or, is it??)
Hmm… If any of these statements resonate with you, then you are definitely in the right place today, friend!
In my new book “Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots” (hitting the shelves in April!), I talk all about how we can’t achieve our way into worth! Quite the opposite actually.
In fact, no matter how hard you run, you can’t outrun you. You will be left exhausted. Longing for rest. Longing for peace.
Friends! I am SO excited about today’s guest (a 3rd time guest to the show)- Morgan Harper Nichols – because the words from her new book, “Peace Is a Practice” ring so true to me! And! They also compliment the heart behind “Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots” just perfectly.
Today Morgan offers up practical advice to become a peacemaker in your own life… starting right where you are, and in some of the most unexpected places.
It resonated with me so much when Morgan said:
“We can still breathe deep and make the most of where we are…even if it doesn’t look exactly how we hoped or planned.”
SO true!
To breathe deep and find rest is NOT to find failure. To find rest is actually to find a deep and rooted peace that surpasses all understanding.
If you are asking yourself how to go about that, keep reading!
Have you pre-ordered my new book Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots? If you’ve been living in a world of overachieving and desiring to find rest, this book will speak to your soul.
Between unanswered prayers, regret of the past, fear of the future and so much more, finding peace and rest in your life may seem very unattainable. I get it. I am right there with you.
BUT! If you are like me and have ever found yourself approaching life’s challenges with anything other than faith and a calm confidence, then here is something you must to do today:
- Physically inhale and write down everything that you want to take in this year
- Physically exhale and write down everything that you want to let go of this year
Friends, Morgan explained it best as she was talking about inhaling and exhaling being symbolic for absorbing all that life has to offer and taking it in, BUT also not being afraid to let go.
So, I went ahead and asked Morgan to share with us what she is personally taking in this year and what she has decided to let go of. (Make sure to tune in today to hear her answer!)
And… I challenge you to do the same!
This one small step that can make a big difference on your personal journey of rest and peace.

We chat about this and so much more in today’s episode as Morgan and I cover:
- Generational grief and the power of storytelling
- How to show up everyday despite your circumstances
- Ways to create beauty in a world that feels broken
- The importance of letting go of ‘picture-perfect’
If you are ready to breathe in all of the grace available to you and release everything that is outside of your control, then make sure to tune in to today’s must-listen episode!
I can’t wait for you to listen!
More From This Episode:
Connect with Morgan on Instagram and be sure to pick up her new book, “Peace is a Practice: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life “ wherever books are sold.’
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[…] On Rest: Why Peace Is A Practice with Morgan Harper Nichols […]
[…] On Rest: Why Peace Is A Practice with Morgan Harper Nichols […]