Ready for a bombshell??
Good! Because I have one for you today!
New Beginnings.
Either by choice or by circumstance, we will ALL encounter new beginnings — whether we like it or not! No matter where we are from. No matter what we do. No matter how different we may seem on paper, no one is exempt from encountering new beginnings.
Quite the statement to start off this Tuesday morning, isn’t it?
So what comes to mind for you when you begin to think about new beginnings?
Do you long for the hope that an opportunity to start over provides? Or does the idea of beginning again rock you to your core and you just don’t think you have it in you?
To be honest, I’ve experienced both extremes. There have been times in my life where I welcomed a new beginning with open arms. And then, there have been times where I have dragged my feet crossing into a new season rather than embrace what was ahead.
Change is hard, friends! New seasons can bring about difficult transitions. And growth? Well, that one doesn’t come without growing pains!
But! My guest today, Zim Flores, has some insights for us today on specifically this topic.
You can trust God through painful endings and new beginnings.
That is some welcomed good news for my ears! And, I hope for yours too!
You see, Zim knows a thing or two about change, letting go, and starting over. The daughter of Nigerian immigrants, Zim was uprooted from her community as a young girl, marking the beginning of her quest for true identity.
Since then she has experienced tremendous success being named a Forbes “30 under 30”, a leader by Oprah Winfrey, and a serial entrepreneur.
But, don’t let those accolades fool you. Her success did not come without hardship, pain, difficult choices, and ultimately trusting the plan that God has for her!

And, today she hopes to help you do the same! In fact, our hope for everyone reading and listening today is that you will:
Dare to bloom!
Dare to endeavor all that God has called YOU to do, despite who society tells you that you are!
In times of painful endings and new beginnings remember this:
No matter what you may be going through, you belong to God. He holds your past, present, and future identity in His hand.
In fact, there are two practical things that you can start doing TODAY when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. When you are not sure how things are going to turn out. When life takes an unexpected turn.
#1: Pause and ask yourself this question: Are you asking for deliverance, or for revelation/transformation?
(That one is a real gut check, huh?)
Don’t miss out on what God is trying to do through you! God is a character forming God. He turns our times of transition into testimonies for his glory.
Start asking for revelation over deliverance today!
#2: Pause & Praise!
Yes, that’s right!
Even in times of unknown, transition, or waiting- thank God. Thank Him that you even have the opportunity to wait upon Him!
Your prayer for a new job, a spouse, children – whatever the case may be- pause and reflect on what God has done up until this point! And, thank Him for what He is going to do as well!
Waiting isn’t a passive game. It’s active. Pause and praise- stay active!
Oh friends, Zim shares SO much wisdom in today’s episode where we also chat about:
- The tension between science and faith and the ways that one actually informs the other (Oh, did I mention that Zim is actually a biologist by trade and has actually cloned a gene?!)
- The difference between an all-weather purpose and a seasonal purpose
- How to reclaim your true identity and surrender your desired outcomes to God
- How to joyfully participate in your own story even when you don’t know what the future holds
If you are ready to be challenged to be both vulnerable and resilient in new seasons of your life while boldly positioning yourself for whatever God has next, you will not want to miss this incredible episode!
More From This Episode:
Connect with Zim on Instagram and be sure to pick up her new book, ‘Dare to Bloom: Trusting God Through Painful Endings and New Beginnings’ wherever books are sold.’
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