Okay, friends! I want to check-in with you today! How are all of my high-achievers doing?!
Are you feeling like you’re killin’ it? That the world is yours for the taking? That everything is working out exactly like you planned? (Sounds so nice, doesn’t it?!)
While I sure hope this is the case, chances are you may be feeling a lot more like me lately…
Struggling to find work/life balance.
Thinking it’s impossible to both win at work AND succeed at life. That the ONLY way your career wins can come is at the expense of your health, relationships, or personal well-being.
If this is you, know this – I. Am. Right. There. With. You.
In fact, some days I feel as if I’m adding MORE to do my to-do list than I am actually checking-off. That I am barely present as a wife and partner to Justin. That I am drowning under the weight of all on my plate, rather than making time for what really matters.
If you are ready to be encouraged, keep reading! There IS a solution!
I have to admit that while I do enjoy the ambitious parts of me, I do wish that there was a better way to get all that I want out of life at both work AND home.
Today’s podcast guest – Megan Hyatt Miller- shares her secrets about what she calls the ‘double win’- winning at work and achieving at life!
Seem impossible?
Don’t count it out!
Megan actually walks us through the 5 proven and tangible principles of the ‘double win’ – a perspective that sees work and life in partnership, NOT opposition. (Praise hands!)
And, let me just tell you… Megan is a wife, mom of 5, podcast host, AND CEO. So if she has found a way to achieve this double win, then it’s time we listen up friends!
Close your eyes for a minute. I want you to think about everything that you have to get done this week. Or maybe, even get done today alone. Overwhelmed?
Don’t be!
Close your eyes again. And this time, when you think about your week, ask yourself Megan’s key question:
Where can I invest my time to get a disproportionate result?
Ah- now things are starting to come into focus a little more. Priorities are starting to take shape. And, strategies are beginning to form.
Friends, when we are talking about winning at work + life, we are NOT talking about some perfectionistic ideal…we are talking about vision + intention.
So, how do we achieve this? Well this is Megan’s forte and she spills it all in our conversation today as we chat about:
- Five principles to free yourself from the cult of overwork
- How to prioritize what matters most within the three non-negotiable categories of self-care, relational priorities, and professional results
- Ways that we can reach our professional potential vs. compromising it without sacrificing the things that matter most
- The differences between the hustle fallacy, the ambition break, and the double win
If you are ready to refuse the false choice of career vs. family and achieve the double win in life, then you will not want to miss today’s incredible episode! I can’t wait to hear what you think and how Megan’s strategies change your life!
More From This Episode:
Connect with Megan on Instagram and be sure to pick up her new book, ‘Win at Work and Succeed at Life: 5 Principles to Free Yourself from the Cult of Overwork’ wherever books are sold.’
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