Have the last few months somehow turned into years – and you’re left feeling like you’re floating… sort of aimlessly? This ongoing lack of focus and defaulting into decisions can leave you feeling purposeless – and without motivation.
You know you need to make a change, but you don’t even have the energy or resources to know where to start!
Well, friend, I empathize with you – and know this: it’s time to break the patterns that are keeping you stuck because you’re worth so much more than that.
You are capable and worthy of being full of JOY and DRIVE and PURPOSE.
And I’m thinking this episode might just be what you need to jumpstart your journey.
I’m bringing onto the show for a second time today my friend, Tanya Dalton. Tanya is a best-selling author, speaker, and sought after business coach for women entrepreneurs. In her most recent book, On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life of Meaning & Success, Tanya aims to challenge you to shake the foundations of how you view your world and start to step into new opportunities that perhaps you didn’t realize were there.
In this episode, Tanya and I are diving into exactly WHAT is keeping us in this default + lack of joy state, HOW we get there in the first place, and WHO we can become once we break these patterns.
One of the powerful practices that Tanya suggests to overcome this state of ‘stuck’ is called The 5th Why.
It’s so simple. And so effective. Essentially, in this exercise you ask yourself why 5 times in reference to an event or default action.
Let’s say you didn’t get a promotion at work that you were REALLY hoping for. Start with asking: Why did I not get the promotion? Once you uncover the answer, then again ask WHY? WHY is THAT true? And, like magic, after the 5th why, you will uncover the ROOT of the initial outcome (in this case, not receiving the promotion).
This exercise helps to uncover a pattern of action and thinking that is keeping us STUCK.
Because when you get to the root, you can bring it to the surface and change it.
But until you understand the root, the pattern will continue.
Still not convinced? Tune in to today’s episode where Tanya walks ME through this practice. It is a bit vulnerable and I was definitely feeling pretty transparent, but I believe that is what this space is all about. Sharing our STUFF, so that the next person is brave enough to share theirs.
In addition to this exercise, Tanya and I also chat about:
- The ACTUAL opposite of being STUCK, and how to step into it
- Why because it’s ‘always been this’ doesn’t mean ‘it will ALWAYS be this way’
- The trick to see a clear path of where your life is heading
- How to use regret for good in your life
Friend, if you’re feeling stuck without a way out – begin to recognize: you’re already in pain in your current state – don’t delay the process of stopping and recognizing these patterns.
And today’s episode will show you exactly where to start. Because the painful parts of your story do not need to be regret, but a springboard of resilience.
More From This Episode:
Connect with Tanya on Instagram and be sure to pick up her new book, On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life of Meaning & Success‘ wherever books are sold.’
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