How are you responding to the current pandemic? Do you know how to reach out to others with love, empathy, and understanding during this unprecedented time?
If you’ve ever wondered why each of us respond to the same situation in very different ways – specifically our response in times of crisis – this episode is here to answer all of your questions.

In this episode, Mary is joined by Your Enneagram Coach and author, Beth McCord. Known for leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective, Beth’s passion is to make the Enneagram accessible to all so that you can experience the transformation you long for.
After listening, you will:
Become familiar with the 9 types of the Enneagram; specifically in relation to how each types responds to the current crisis and quarantine, Be equipped to love both those with whom you are quarantined and those from whom you are separated in a way that will best resonate with their enneagram type, and most importantly; Understand how to have empathy and understanding for each other knowing that we are all going to respond to these uncertain times in different ways. If you are ready to understand yourself and others on a deeper level, make sure to tune into this amazing episode!

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