Does scrolling through Instagram leave you feeling like your life isn’t as beautiful as those around you? And you wonder where the beauty is in your OWN life, in you own everyday? The struggle is real, my friends. Tune in as Mary invites on photographer, story teller, and speaker, Meg Loeks, as the ladies chat about comparison, how to find the extraordinary in each day, and how to tell a story through a photo. Meg has amassed a following on Instagram through documenting her family in the normal, beautiful everyday – her feed is nothing short of creative beauty, but she opens up on this episode about how sometimes you just want to photograph the opposite of what you’re feeling, especially after her son was diagnosed with Leukemia. Meg vulnerably shares her family’s journey with this tough diagnosis, her perspective on leaving a legacy, and the simple things she is grateful for each and every day. If you’re a mom and feel overwhelmed that the time is passing too quickly, a business owner trying to prioritize all the tasks, or in a season of deep hardship and grief – but looking for the beauty and purpose of it – this episode is for you. Tune in for encouragement, tangible advice, and ways to keep the nostalgia alive.
Find Meg on instagram here: @meg_nlo
And her site here:

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