Does your world feel really NOISY right now? Like all you can hear are the voices of other people – and not the still, small voice of God? We so get it – you’re exhausted. So how can you show up and serve your industry if you don’t take a step back and take care of yourself? Tune into this episode where Mary invites on writer, TED speaker, and online educator – Hannah Brencher – as the ladies chat about this specific topic. You’ll learn what to do when your discouraged self starts to become your normal self, how to NOT find your purpose in the Instagram scroll, why it’s so uncomfortable to sit with our thoughts – not distract and silence them with social media, and how to overcome feelings of inadequacy. If you’re in a dry season and not even sure what God is speaking over your life, but afraid you’ll fall behind if you take the time to figure it out – this episode is for you. So go ahead and unplug after listening to this episode – because rest is not wasted time and you are not replaceable. Pull up a seat and begin to feel refreshed from the recharge.
Listen to the FULL episode HERE
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