Ever find yourself distracted from small hurts that build up throughout the day? The ones that may seem insignificant from social media or a not-so-kind email? But by the end of the week, you’re exhausted from hurdling over all those offenses. We are living in a time where opinions can be vocalized more than ever, so you are not alone if you feel weighed down by unkind words thrown your way – especially if you are in a spot of leadership of any sort. But it’s time to stop allowing the weight of hurt to hinder you from your end goal and impact. Listen in as Mary brings on her life and business coach, Kim Butler, as they chat through what it actually looks like to live a life unoffended, what’s at stake if we remain in offense, and tangible ways to begin that journey today. Friend – your purpose and energy are far too important to focus on hurts and mini battles. Offenses will come, and your feelings are valid, but you have full control over your response. Let’s stop the distraction and start on our purpose-filled, creative and powerful dreams.
Listen to the Full EPISODE 009 with Kim Butler
Want more on Kim and the White Board Room!?
The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense, John Bevere
Core Fears Test – Dr. Gary Smalley
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